Correspondence between W. H. Loyd and J. William Gayner
This is a collection of letters between W. H. Loyd and J. William Gayner after the plant had closed and Mr. Gayner had returned to work at Gayner Glass Works in Salem, NJ. The letters reveal a warm relationship between the two men as Mr. Loyd tirelessly tries to interest someone in restarting the plant and Mr. Gayner constantly inquires about the plant and often reflects on how things could have gone differently. Both sides of the conversation across two years give insights into how each saw the failure of the company.
The collection contains scans of both original letters received by Mr. Loyd and carbon copies of letters sent by Mr. Loyd. Unfortunately, not every letter was preserved, so some responses refer to letters not included in the collection. Access to the originals courtesy of Justin Stoudt. These were scanned by Dennis Bratcher and converted to text. Both the scan of originals and the text version are included. Handwritten letters were transcribed from both the originals and the scans. [not yet complete]
While links to this site are welcome, please do not repost this material to another web site.
January 25, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
February 5, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
February 8, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
February 10, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
April 14, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
May 17, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
July 4, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
July 15, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
July 21, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
September 2, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
September 13, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
September 15, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
September 28, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
November 18, 1926, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
November 19, 1926, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
May 26, 1927, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
June 21, 1927, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
July 29, 1927, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
[November, 1927], Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd
November 16, 1927, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
November 30, 1927, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner
December 15, 1927, Mr. Loyd to Mr. Gayner